“The 4th Canadian
Infantry Brigade will raid the enemy system
of trenches….To effect casualties,
make prisoners, and wreck
all dugouts…in the area attacked”-
Operations Order No. 85
Cdn. Inf. Bde., 10 January 1917
Shortly before five o’clock
in the morning of 17 January 1917, telephones rattled in the headquarters of
the 20th and 21st Battalions, the canned voice on the
other end at Brigade HQ breathing just two words: “Lloyd George.” The message had nothing to do with the
British PM, except that use of his name was the go-code for the largest trench
raid yet to be mounted by Canadian troops.

Two companies, No’s 1
and 2 from the 20th (Central Ontario) Battalion and three, ‘B’, ‘C’,
and ‘D’ companies of the 21st (Eastern Ontario) Battalion now moved
from rest positions at Bully-Grenay to their jumping-off points opposite their
objectives. In three hours from the
call, just after full light, the artillery barrage would commence and nearly
900 officers and men would advance along an 800 yard front in three waves. They were to hit the enemy front line, hold
it, penetrate the secondary line, fulfill their objectives and then withdraw,
all within sixty minutes of Zero Hour.
Throughout, the raid would be protected by a barrage of medium and heavy
artillery precisely timed to adjust fire as the operation proceeded.
What would become known
as the “Calonne Raid” “constituted a record up to that time for a raid of its magnitude
and result.”[1] Nothing could be left to chance with such an ambitious
raid. Both the planning and preparation had
to be meticulous. Raids were not only to
deal a quick shocking strike against the enemy, they had become a means to gain
practical experience which would benefit future operations.
Prior to the raid,
constant patrolling and aerial observation had made a thorough survey of the
target area. These patrols had
discovered that “the enemy frontage for a depth of 300 yards is held during the
day by sentries and detached posts. The
garrison of this area being in deep dugouts and cellars.”[2] Also determined were the locations of
machine gun emplacements. It was clear
that the Germans didn’t need a heavily occupied front line. Machine guns were mounted at the apices of a
portion of Front Line Trench which bowed inward. Structured this way, the trench presented a
concave line to the attacker; designed to draw assaulting troops in and across
an expanse which could be covered by enfilading fire from the two ends. Essentially, the two machine guns would be
sufficient to stall an attack while the garrison, situated in the second line
could be made ready to go in for a counterattack. Here was a perfect example of “Elastic
Defence” in action. In order to overcome
this, the raid would have to hit quick, hard and with absolute precision.
Once assigned to the
raid, the five participating companies “had been relieved of all duties for ten
days and in that time built practice trenches of the Enemy lines to an exact
scale.”[3] Troops spent their time becoming intimately
with the layout as they would specifically encounter on the raid, and “for the
last few days practised the assault with every detail as set out in orders.” Such intense rehearsal was becoming more
usual than exceptional, and in the case of the Calonne Raid “these companies
advanced…under cover of an excellent smoke and artillery barrage (and) entered
the enemy front line with a rush that carried before it all opposition.”[4]
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Major G.S.S. Bowerbank DSO MC |
In fact, the Germans
showed “A noticeable tendency to ingratiate against little show of
opposition. Except in cases of dugouts when
bombs were thrown out until overcome.”[5] This was the personal experience of Major George
Scott Stanton Bowerbank, O.C. ‘B; Company, 21st Battalion who was
present at the epicentre of the raid.
Major Bowerbank would be awarded the Military Cross for his leadership
during this operation.[6] He was no professional soldier; a slight and slender
myopic accountant, Major Bowerbank epitomised the typical Canadian
officer. Born of Essex, England, he had
his professional credentials, but very little military experience besides
Militia service before the war where he had been the accountant for the Sarnia,
Ontario branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. When put to the test in battle, however- and
like so many of his colleagues- he excelled.
‘B’ Company had a
little difficulty from the get-go in passing through their own wire. “Gaps were not frequent which caused a
tendency to bear to the left.”
Initially, this prevented his men from remaining in touch with those of ‘D’
Company on their right (under the command of Captain Brokelbank, also an
accountant), but once through the wire the “waves kept well apart and advanced
under cover of our barrage in well-appointed formation.”[7] The enemy wire, on the other hand was “completely
smashed and offering no obstacle whatever,” allowing the first wave to gain the
Front Line Trench rapidly. “A small
amount of opposition was met but quickly overcome, the second wave going on as
arranged towards the final objective.”[8]
It hadn’t been a clean
rush, though. Despite little resistance
from enemy infantry, the raid suffered quite a number of casualties from
artillery fire. It is undetermined
whether this artillery which concentrated on the enemy Front Line Trench was
German retaliatory fire or shelling from Canadian guns which had failed to lift
their fire an adequate distance.

‘D’ Company alone
captured “not less than thirty” prisoners, a machine gun and also “a
considerable volume of letters, booklets, etc.”[9]
Major Bowerbank could also report that the trenches were in good condition,
generally ten feet deep with sloping sides with dry ground at the base,
indication of careful workmanship and efficient drainage. “Several dugouts were effectively smashed,
especially in one case by the use of a prepared Stokes shell, killing all the
It was all in the bag
by nine o’clock. The Calonne Raid “did
serious damage to the enemy works and exploded an ammunition dump.” Approximately twelve dugouts were destroyed,
and it was estimated one hundred Germans had been killed.[10] Additionally “during operation this morning
we captured 1 Officer, 75 Other Ranks unwounded and 5 O.R. wounded, 2 Machine
Guns, and 1 Trench Mortar.”[11]

The rush of raids, the tension of late night patrols, a great Canadian battle and men on the razor's edge between life and death are all part of my acclaimed premier novel “Killing is a Sin”
Now available from Amazon sites worldwide.
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“Damn, I think I spilled chili on a rare first edition; I'm enjoying it, couldn't stop reading during dinner.”
“I was fortunate enough to see this in manuscript. Good stuff. If you're interested in WWI Fiction give it a look.”
[1] Canadian Bank of Commerce, “Letters from the Front:
Being a record of the Part Played by Officers of the Bank in the Great War
[2] Operations Order No. 73, 21st (Eastern
Ontario) Battalion, CEF
[3] Barber, Percy L., Lieut. “21st Cdn. Battalion
Report on Operations of 17 January 1917”
[4] Lt. P.L. Barber, ibid.
[5] Bowerbank, G.S.S., Major, “Narrative of Raid 7-1-17”
[6] Supplement to the London Gazette No. 29981, pg. 2480 12
March 1917
[7] Maj. G.S.S. Bowerbank DSO MC ibid.
[11] 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade, War Diary
Entry 17 January 1917
Well done article. Thanks so much for sharing and taking the time to reflect on our Canadian military history.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Eric. And again thanks to you for perpetuating my work through re-tweets, etc. Lets me know I'm putting out good content.
DeleteMy grandfather was wounded at this event.