It can become incredibly easy, when gifted with all
the information hindsight allows to be too critical of past events. The writing of this short series on Gallipoli
has given me pause for thought as to whether or not the course of action taken
was correct, considering the outcome. In
studying these events, I have information on their progression and depths of
situational intelligence (enemy dispositions, terrain) that the Mediterranean
Expeditionary Force’s commander,
General Hamilton would not have at his
disposal. Finding it incredibly
difficult to give an objective opinion on if the ground campaign should have
taken place, I consulted someone with no knowledge of this history. Presented with only the bare facts of the
situation as Hamilton would have had, and given the choice of making an effort
to land troops or not, the answer was equivocally positive- troops must go
ashore. There are 75,000 to do the job,
and all they have to do is make landfall and press on to objectives five miles
or so inland. From that, it is
remarkably clear that General Hamilton made the best decision he could have at
the time. Rather good that he did, as
his plans for multiple landings on the peninsula and the way his German
counterpart, General Liman von Sanders, commanding the Turkish forces defending
Gallipoli had positioned his divisions would inadvertently put into collision a
colonial force whose performance in war would help to create a national
identity, and a Turkish regiment under the command of a dynamic officer who
would be instrumental in reshaping and modernising his country.
General Hamilton had it in mind that the landings to
be made by the 29th Division around Cape Helles would be the main
effort in opening the ground campaign.
To confound the Turkish forces defending the area, the French units and
the Royal Naval Division under Hamilton’s command were to make feinted landings
far removed from the 29th’s beaches.
Directly supporting the actions at Cape Helles, the Anzac portion of the
MEF were to put ashore at a midpoint on the peninsula, designated Z Beach. Scheduled to land moments before the Cape
Helles embarkations, this covering force had as its objective the high features
of successive ridge lines a few miles inland from the beach. “The Anzacs, the biggest part of the Allied
force, were to be taken up Gallipoli’s Aegean coast….Their destination was a
promisingly easy-looking beach leading to flat terrain at a point called Gaba
This would give them a dominant position over inland roads, allowing the Anzacs
“to cut off Turkish reinforcements heading south towards the main British
landings at Helles.”[2]
0415 hrs., 25 April 1915, 3rd Brigade 1st
Australian Division came ashore not at Z Beach, but due to tidal current at a
point 1.6 km north of the indented location,[3]
which would become known as Anzac Cove.
This mistake may well have been fortuitous, as even though 3rd
Bde would suffer heavy casualties on landing at Anzac Cove, it is speculated
that the defences at Z Beach may have made landing there more costly. As it was, once ashore at the wrong place,
further actions would have to be improvised so that the day’s objectives could
be met. “Instead of the flat and easy
ground that supposedly lay beyond Gaba Tepe, they found themselves having to
clamber up into steep craggy hills and rock-lined ravines in the face of
gunfire from Turkish riflemen concealed in the nearby hills.”[4]
Despite the setbacks, the 3rd Bde fought forward to gain the heights
along Chunuk Bair and Sari Bair. Within
the first few hours of making landfall, the Divisional War Diary notes “Bde
considerably mixed but roughly in order 9, 10, 12, 11 (Battalions) from right.”[5] At 0700, the battalions reorganised to “push
on” and within the hour had repulsed a Turkish counter-attack. Even in the face of fairly heavy casualties,
the Australians had managed to overcome a difficult start and their own
inexperience so that by late morning, the outlook of the operation was
projecting success. Limits, however, had been reached “Unaware of this numerical advantage,
Lieutenant-Colonel Ewen Sinclair-Maclagan, commander of the 3rd Australian
Brigade, makes a crucial tactical decision at 400 Plateau: he persuades Colonel
James McCay (2nd Australian Brigade), to reinforce his right flank rather than
head up Hill 971 as originally ordered. Sinclair-Maclagan then orders his men
to dig in at 400 Plateau rather than advance further. These decisions would be
subsequently criticised as tactical errors.”[6]
Lt Colonel Mustafa Kemal,
the officer commanding the 57th Turkish Infantry
Regiment Sanders
had placed in a central location to provide a responsive reserve force made his
decision to move his men towards the Anzac landings. Kemal, at the front of a battalion he was
driving hard to push in a counter-attack gave his men the now famous
inspiration “I don’t order you to attack,” he said, “I order you to die.”[7] Outnumbered and with remaining forces still
en route, the 57th pressed forward into the broken
scrub of the ground just taken by the Australians. In what was described as “heavy and close”
fighting, - at points hand-to-hand and with bayonet- Kemal’s daring shook the
invaders loose. At 1600 hrs. Turkish
forces had once again secured the high ground.
There would be no opportunity to put any more men on the beach, “By the
afternoon of 25 April, the beach was crowded with the wounded from the
ferocious actions being fought out along the ridges. That day an estimated
2,000 wounded passed through the cove, while others lay out on the battlefield
awaiting evacuation.”[8]
In the first twelve hours, some 12,000 Anzacs had
come ashore; “they…had formed a
beachhead, albeit much smaller than intended. In places they were clinging onto
cliff faces with no organised defence system. Their precarious position
convinced both divisional commanders to ask for an evacuation, but after taking
advice from the Royal Navy about how practicable that would be, the army
commander decided they would stay. The exact number of the day's casualties is
not known. The ANZACs had landed two divisions but over two thousand of their
men had been killed or wounded, together with at least a similar number of
Turkish casualties.”[9]
Those still fit for duty were short on
ammunition and exhausted from the day’s efforts. As night fell, the Australians were ordered
to dig in on what ground they still held.
“The Australians and New Zealanders remained crowded into, and unable to
break out of the wretched toehold.”[10]
Hindsight, once again, makes it far too easy to
assign an evaluation of history. Dan
Snow, a BBC presenter on military history diminished the accomplishments of the
Anzacs at Gallipoli by reminding the present observer that their contribution
to the campaign was peripheral. “Far
more British soldiers fought on the Gallipoli peninsula than Australians and
New Zealanders put together. The UK
lost four or five times as many men in the brutal campaign as its imperial
Anzac contingents. The French also lost more men than the Australians.”[11] In response, it can be taken that such things
do not always rely on how many of one nation’s forces fought. For Canadians, Vimy Ridge is a touchstone of
national emergence, but would also be seen as a small measure placed in context
against British efforts in the Arras campaign, of which Vimy was a diversionary
objective. However, these assessments
while not untrue, are a little unfair.
Australia, very much like Canada had wholeheartedly committed itself to
the Imperial war effort. Such as Sir
Robert Borden, Canadian Prime Minister had declared his country’s answer to
Britain’s call was “Ready, aye, ready”, his Australian colleague, Prime
Minister Andre Fisher had responded to the war with the promise that “We shall
pledge our last man and last shilling.”[12]
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