This is the role of the infantry, one such which has
remained constant even in light of the technological and tactical advances in
warfare. In this two part series, If Ye
Break Faith will examine how this role has changed little, but evolved much;
how the post-industrial battlefields of WWI necessitated a large part of this
evolution which introduced concepts still employed today without fundamental
adjustment to doctrine which remains immutable.
It is ultimately to the infantry to seek a decisive
result from battle. It is this
responsibility pared with those unique aspects of an infantryman’s experience
which allows a certain pride of place of the infantry within the military. “It is he who must seize the ground and hold
it. And he must do this on foot, armed
with only what he can carry at the mercy of the elements and over every sort of
terrain. There is nothing remote about
war for the infantryman. For him war has
always had a very personal dimension.”[1]
The infantry fulfills its role by use of the technique known as “fire and
movement.” Ultimately, “The main
essential to success in battle is to close with the enemy, cost what it may”[2] Fire and movement makes this possible. By overcoming the enemy’s resistance, with
superior firepower the infantry are able to press forward. It might seem deceptively simple, but as the
two tasks are undertaken concurrently, in reality this is a very complex task
which requires-has always required- a great deal of control and coordination. [3] Such
control can only be gained through training and repetitive drills. This is accomplished by first smaller units
perfecting their role before working in higher formations. Practicality is the reverse of this. The attack, by use of “fire and movement” is
an exercise in diminishing values. A
divisional attack, for example, will use its artillery assets to allow the
forward brigades to advance under fire.
The brigades likewise employ their own gun- with a little more precision
than the division barrage- directed against the brigades’ objectives and so let
the component battalions gain further approach, and so on down the line of
company, platoon and section. The 1909 British Army Field Service Manual makes
this notion clear “All leaders, down to those of the smallest units, must
endeavour to apply, at all stages of the fight this principle of mutual
A curious example would be to look at the
counter-attack towards Kitchener’s
Wood made by the 10th and 16th
Battalions, First Canadian Division late on the first day of the 2nd
Battle of Ypres. German gas attacks
against French Colonial units to the left of Canadian positions had driven the
defenders out of their trenches, leaving a clear path towards the immediate
objective of St Julien, and the Canadian flank exposed. In one way, the gas worked too well. German infantry in pursuit of the fleeing
French Algerians had gone much further forward than the initial advance had
meant to. These point units were supposed
to have established a new defensive line to allow follow up forces to jump off
for the assault against St Julien.
Instead, they had pressed into Kitchener’s Wood. While four British guns had been captured,
the Germans were too few in number and dangerously over-extended. If an aggressive counter-attack could be made
quickly, the Germans might be caught out.
Two conditions in this proposal worked against the Canadians; that they
had yet to mount such an attack in earnest, and it would have to be done at
night. The 16th Battalion had
come up to 3 Brigade HQ at St Julien from reserve positions outside of Ypres, a
route march which took hours to complete, the 16th arriving by 2200hrs[6]. This battalion would be supporting the 10th
Battalion’s assault on a German trench at the south end of the wood. Once this was taken, both battalions would
move into, and clear out, the wood itself.
From the Division’s 2nd Brigade, the 10th
Battalion made up of men from Western Canadian (Calgary and Winnipeg, mostly)
Militia units would be leading the advance; its four companies lined up two
abreast and two deep. Behind them the 16th
(Canadian Scottish; an amalgamation of pre-war Highland Militia regiments)
would follow in the same formation. The simplicity of the formation was
accounting for the unknown ground the men would be moving over in the dark; the
best solution for inexperienced officers to retain tight control of
inexperienced men. Each battalion was under the ultimate command of its
Colonel, but no appointment had been made for overall command of the
attack. This oversight would make for
costly consequences.
German penetration had come as far forward to a
built up area known as “Oblong Farm” to the southwest of the Canadian’s trench
line objective. Lt Colonel Leckie of the
16th Bn suggested his 10th Bn counterpart, Lt Col Boyle
detach some elements to keep the farm under suppressing fire. Interpreting his orders too literally, Col
Boyle didn’t consider operating on initiative and decided to go forward without
isolating Oblong Farm. His orders, from
General Alderson had made no mention of the Farm, only because Alderson had no
information on it. The ground over which
the Canadians would attack had not been properly reconnoitred. “Artillery support was provided by a British
battery and the 9th and 12th Batteries of the 3rd
Brigade CFA (Canadian Field Artillery), firing on the northern part of the wood
and beyond.”[7]
This made a total of thirteen guns supporting a two battalion attack by firing
at a point well beyond the primary objective.
It would hardly be adequate in either volume or area- a vital part of
“winning the firefight” would then be absent from this attack. Nevertheless, the Canadians were
enthusiastic, Lt Col Boyle quipping “We have been aching for a fight and now we
are going to get it.”[8]
“During the advance in the darkness over unknown
ground companies and platoons lost cohesion.”[9] The two battalions set off at 2345hrs.[10] This made a turnaround time of six hours from
the initial German attack to the Canadian counter attack. While this may have seemed quick work at the
time, but it was hardly efficient.
German soldiers had made excellent use of the interceding hours in
digging hasty defenses and bringing forward machine guns. Within the first fifteen minutes, 10th
and 16th Battalions closed half the distance to the objective,
facing minimal incoming fire. Ordered to
advance in complete silence to obscure their presence had aided in this good
start. At about the mid-point, there was
discovered a fence line which had to be gotten over. The noise of men and their equipment
struggling over this obstacle alerted the Germans- both in the objective to the
front, and from Oblong Farm which was now in a position to provide enfilading
fire on the Canadians. This fire was
heavy and hitting the attackers on front and flank. Out of place, in broken and mixed formations
the final 300 yards was closed by rushes.
The initial attack against the trenches outside the
wood were carried by the
weight of the assault.
Hand-to-hand combat was frequent.
Casualties were higher than they should have been. Against reason, objectives were met. With the exception of a pocket of German
positions within the wood, the trench had been taken, the woods occupied and
the four lost guns re-captured. The two
attacking battalions had lost about two thirds of their strength, inclusive of
most of their officers- among them Lt Col Boyle who had been fatally wounded by
a German machine gun. German casualties
were considerably lighter[11]. It is difficult to credit the success of the
attack based upon the conditions in which it was made. Perhaps it could be said that it succeeded
more from the Canadians not knowing the odds against them. In any analysis, Kitchener’s Wood had so many
factors going against it that it wouldn’t be considered a well-executed attack-
even by contemporary standards- except that the attackers had made their
A latter day General, Brigadier General Vernon who
once commanded Land Forces Central Area (Now 32 Canadian Brigade Group) offered
this observation which might fit as mitigation as to why the attack at
Kitchener’s Wood went as it did: “Field Marshal Slim…noted that the Army as an
institution is an inverse pyramid: everything depends upon the skill,
motivation and determination of the individual soldier.” This may be why novice
soldiers can still achieve under circumstances which would usually project
failure. Such actions, like it was at
Kitchener’s Wood are usually very costly.
Standards of proficiency-at all levels- would be required; along with
the required adjustments in doctrine in keeping with the evolution of modern
war. Within two years the Canadians
would have incorporated the lessons of this action, among others which would
allow them to be capable of a Corps sized infantry attack- that of Vimy Ridge.
[1] “Soldiers: A History of Men in Battle”, BBC Television,
1985. Episode 5: Infantry (written by
Richard Holmes & presented by Frederick Forsythe)
[2] General Staff, War Office, “Infantry Training 94-
Company Organization) 1914”, HM Stationary Office, London, 1914 pg 134
[3] The Infantry Journal, Inc. “Infantry in Battle”,
Washington DC, 1939 pg 223
[4] General Staff, War Office, “Field Service Regulations
Part I: Operations” HM Stationary Office, London, 1909 pp 135-6
[5] Authority of Chief of Defence Staff, “Platoon and
Section Commander’s Aide Memoire”,B-GL-309-003/FT-201, 1981 Section 3.2
[6] Zuehlke, Mark, “Brave Battalion: The Remarkable Saga of
the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) in the First World War”, John
Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2008, pg 51
[7] Nicholson, GWL, Col. “Official History of the Canadian
Army in the First World War” Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, 1962 pg 66
[10] Greenfield, Nathan M, “Baptism of Fire: The Second
Battle of Ypres and the Forging of Canada, April 1915” HarperCollins 2007 pg 98
[11] Cook, Tim, “At the Sharp End: Canadians Fighting the
Great War 1914-1916” Penguin Canada, 2007 pp 127-8
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