It has been a rather busy time, and enjoyably so. Already I have had a couple of articles picked up and published by The Centenary News, with several other prospective pieces being green-lit. It is a wonderful addition to my portfolio. My recent posts here are under consideration by Active History, and I shall be just as pleased if they decide to move forward with my submissions. I am continuing in my self-assigned role as an educator of Canada and the First World War, mainly because, as mentioned last week the appalling lack of understanding of this event by ordinary Canadians. The Vimy Foundation contacted me with results of another survey revealing that many Canadians have no frame of knowledge of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Find the survey here. In this week's post I take a look at how the notion of a separate national identity really began to take form once the First Contingent went into the line on the Western Front. Following, this series will conclude with the evolution of that identity through the rest of the war, how total war shaped what it meant to be Canadian from the perspective of the home front, and how these concepts merged after the war setting the stage for our further development as a nation. Comments, questions or suggestions are always welcome, and you can follow along with Twitter and Facebook
By February, 1915, the previous seven
months of war had exhausted the combatants and settled the Western Front into
the shape that would dictate how the remainder of the conflict would be
fought. With the war of manoeuvre
essentially over, either side had to figure out how best to breach the line and
bring the war to a close. It was into
this burgeoning siege that the 1st Canadian Division arrived. Deemed fully trained by their task-masters at
Salisbury Plain, the men were in high spirits, but aggression in training might
amount to little more than bravado; only actual combat could be the sole judge
of fighting quality. Confusion and
turmoil at Valcartier followed by months of soggy misery on Salisbury Plain had
done more to prepare the 1st Division for combat than could have
been guessed. Since their inception, everyone
from private to general learned their new trade and stumbled along the way. This inured the Canadians to operating in the
chaos which was bound to occur in battle.

Late in the afternoon on the 22nd
of April with wind conditions at last favourable to them, German engineers
began to release chlorine gas from cylinders which had been installed along
their trench line. Wafting on a light
westerly breeze, the gas cloud rolled over the Algerian’s positions. Panic ensued and the French-African troops broke,
abandoning the line. German troops
following the cloud at a safe distance had little resistance to contend
with. They had created a gap of over
four miles, seized a strategic position within Kitchener’s Wood and captured
four British field guns which had been abandoned there. Undoubtedly, if they had been aware of how
successful the attack had been, the Germans would have continued the advance,
rolling up the rest of the salient.
However, with daylight fading and uncertain of the safety of moving too
quickly with poison gas to their front, they decided to consolidate the gains
they had made “little but their own caution remained to keep the Germans from
The Canadians were faced with a
nightmare situation in defensive warfare.
In the centre of the line, they held the apex of the salient. Already contending with an entrenched enemy
to their front, left and right, no there was no supporting units on their left
flank and the German advance threatened their rear and made very real the
prospect that the whole division could be cut off and surrounded. Lt General Alderson, the professional British
commander of the Division knew immediately what to do. He ordered reserves from 1 Brigade to be brought
forward in defence of St Julien and instructed the 10th and 16th
Battalions to mount a counter attack against Kitchener’s Wood. This would be the first major combat action for
Canadians in the war; a night attack over difficult terrain that had not been reconnoitered
against an enemy in hastily prepared positions within a dense tree line. It had all the makings of a fiasco. More experienced troops would have hesitated;
senior officers would have been within their rights to call for adjustments to
the plan. Naiveté paid off. The
Canadians went forward not knowing that perhaps they shouldn’t and secured
their objective because nobody had the idea that it should not have been
The attack was costly, though, and the
two battalions included were so reduced they could not hold their gains against
a German counter-attack. Proving ability
to take quick, aggressive action did serve to hold the enemy in place. The Germans remained checked at Kitchener’s
Throughout the 23d, Canadian lines were
continually shelled while the Germans prepared to renew their attack. Again gas would be used as a preliminary to
infantry assault, and it would fall upon the centre of the Canadian line, at
the boundary between 2 and 3 Brigade.
How inexperienced soldiers will respond to a given situation can win or
lose a battle. They might fall back in
disarray before they should or try to hold a position long after it has stopped
being tenable. Or they can out-perform all
expectations and fight through, adapting as the battle develops. All of this was reflected in the events of
the morning of the 24th.
Shelling had intensified and just before first light another cloud of
chlorine was released. The 8th
and 15th Bn’s took the brunt of this. The 13th Battalion on the extreme
edge of the line withdrew, creating another dangerous gap, and individual
companies of the 15th stood their ground, “C” Company holding out in
danger of being surrounded, allowing the remaining 15th companies to
redeploy rearward.
The 15th’s stand had slowed
the German advance and had bought time to form a secondary line of
defense. It cost the battalion the
entire compliment of “C” Company, mostly as prisoners. All told, the 15th lost 647
casualties, the worst single day’s loss by a Canadian battalion in the entire
Confusion had ruled the day. Battalions couldn’t communicate with each
other and were out of touch with their brigade headquarters- division General
Headquarters had no clue at all. What
communications and orders did get through were often out of place in the changing
situation. Yet through all of this, men
who had been farmers, clerks and labourers not nine months before performed
like seasoned regulars.
By the time the Division was withdrawn
from the line, it had taken 5,400 casualties, 1,737 of which were fatal, (NG
369) or about a quarter of its strength.
Author and historian Tim Cook notes “Within this chaos the Canadians
continued to remain an effective fighting force.”[3] This
observation wasn’t just self generated, praise for the 1st Canadian
Division came from the highest levels: “In
spite of the danger to which they were exposed, the Canadians held their ground
with a magnificent display of tenacity and courage, and it is not too much to
say that the bearing and conduct of these splendid troops averted a disaster”
said Field Marshall Sir John French, British Commander in Chief. [4]
Already begun was a reputation for pluck and audacity. The Canadians may be rough rustics in the
eyes of their allies, but they could fight.
Being through such an experience bonds
men together. That they had performed
well and were recognised for their conduct raised their esteem and
prestige. It was the beginning of there
being a pride of place in the term “Canadian.”
When replacement troops and later subsequent Divisions arrived to form
the Canadian Corps, these troops would strive to live up to the precedent set
by the 1st Canadian Division at 2nd Ypres.
[1] Desmond
Morton & JL Granatstein “Marching to Armageddon”: Canadians and the Great
War 1914-1919, Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1989, pg 59
[2] Marteinson, John “We Stand on Guard”: An
Illustrated History of the Canadian Army, Ovale Publications, 1992,pg 113
[4] Greenfield, Nathan
M., “Baptism of Fire”: The Second Battle of Ypres and the Forging of Canada,
April 1915,Harper Collins 2007 opening leaf
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