at the Somme, Early September 1916
“The Commander-in-Chief has asked
the Corps Commander to convey his heartiest congratulations to all ranks, 2nd
Batt’n on their achievement this afternoon.”
-Field Message to 1st Canadian Division
from Canadian Corps’ Headquarters,
9 September 1916[1]
Acting Corporal Leo
Clarke had been given orders to lead his section in clearing out towards the
left extremity of the German trenches which 2nd Battalion had just
taken. Once there, his section was to
provide cover for Sergeant Nicholl’s group from the battalion’s Bombing
Platoon, tasked to create a blocking position to protect the flank of the newly
won ground. Corporal Clarke had a small
problem with the job he’d been given. By
the time the objective had been reached, he didn’t have a section left. They’d either been killed or wounded
proceeding down the trench; the fighting to get through between narrow walls
had been nasty, close, hand-to-hand murder.
Clarke’s section had used up their Mills bombs in the getting there, and
all he had to defend his stand was his Webley revolver. With no one left able to help him, Corporal
Clarke carried on as best he could to create a decent fighting position,
putting a barricade together with what he had on hand. A counterattack could be moments away.
So far, the enemy had
shown an unexpected resilience. Just at
the hour of 2nd Battalion’s attack, Canadian Corps had received a
telling report on German prisoners captured earlier that afternoon: “Two
deserters came over to 1st Bde…two hours ago. They came back (from a transfer to the
Eastern Front) and have been two days in front line….In this man’s company,
there were 7 killed and 6 wounded this morning, 50 casualties last night…..The
battalion had a very bad time in the trenches, and in another 24 hours they
would not be very much good for further fighting.”[2] This only seemed to corroborate a similar
report forwarded to Reserve Army from Canadian Corps that morning. The previous day, “Two Germans surrendered
about midnight and report enemy very nervous and fearing an attack.”[3] If this intelligence could be trusted (it
wasn’t unknown to send “deserters” across the line to sow disinformation),
Haig’s “wearing out battle”[4]
was having its desired effect. Months of
keeping pressure on the Germans here at the Somme seemed to be syphoning
strength and moral will. Another
concerted effort across a wide front; a general offensive in the works for
mid-September, just might punch though a thinned crust of resistance and open
the war up, at last.
Before such a large
scale effort could go ahead, several small, very limited positional battles
would be required to shake out and even up the proposed start line. This meant sorting out the mesh of
trenchlines which were the result of the summer’s assaults and
counterattacks. Portions of the German
front line created spurs which would pose a problem with a broad axis of
advance in keeping touch with flanking units.
One such hitch was a thorn at the divide between the British VI Corps
and the Canadians. A hasty attack to
gain this portion of the German line, isolating it and then incorporating it
into the British line would be of vital importance to upcoming operations. The frontage to be attacked was fairly
narrow. A single, determined battalion
with its companies advancing in waves was considered adequate to the task. Conceived and confirmed only hours before it
was set to occur, the orders were delivered to 2nd Battalion out of
trenches in 1st Brigade reserve on the evening of 8 September. On the morning of the 9th, the
battalion would relieve at the front line and be prepared to go into action at
quarter to five that afternoon.[5]
“Relief completed 1.25
pm,” the Battalion War Diary states, “Companies moved into position preparatory
to attack.”[6] Specially built “jumping off” trenches had
been dug slightly forward of the main line, and here the assaulting waves
sheltered, bayonets fixed, waiting for the tremendous covering barrage which
would signal them to advance.

Corporal Clarke would
never know of his award. Before it was
announced, Leo Clarke died of internal bleeding after being buried by shellfire
in October.[17][i]
My premier work of
is now available
for download through
Kindle Direct Publishing.
Much like the essays
and articles I have written which are being appreciated by a growing audience;
I put a great deal of effort into telling a story of moral questioning in the
setting of the Western Front in 1917 as realistic as possible. In crafting the environment and situation my
characters experience throughout the book, a lot of time was spent consulting
the very same war diaries which I have been using to accurately portray the
situation of the war in my non-fiction work.
“Killing is a Sin” takes my strengths as an accurate and expositive
essayist to give a genuine feel to a work of the imagination.
I sincerely hope that
those of you who have been enjoying my articles here with “If Ye Break Faith”
would also be captivated by the story told within “Killing is a Sin,” where
Corporal Felix Strachan is faced with having to find an answer to his own
question- “What does it mean to die well?”
[1] 1st Canadian Division War Diary, Appendix 9,
September 1916
[2] War Diary Entry, Canadian Corps, 9 September 1916
[3] Canadian Corps Report to Reserve Army, 9 September 1916
[4] Boraston, J H, Lt Col (ed.), “Sir Douglas Haig’s
Despatches” J M Dent & Sons Ltd. 1919, pg. 17
[5] War Diary Entry, 2nd Canadian Infantry
Battalion, 9 September 1916
[8] Hamilton, Robert, “Victoria Cross Heroes of World War
One” Atlantic Publishing, 2015 pg. 60
[11] Grand Prairie Herald, Tuesday, October 10 1916 via
[14] Field Message from 1st Canadian Division to
Canadian Corps 5.25 pm 9 September 1916 (1st Canadian Division War
Diary, App. 9)
[15] 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion Operations
Order 25 (1st Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary Appendix September
[17] Richardson, JW, Major RAMC, “Army Form I.1237 ‘Medical
Case Sheet’” re: 72132 Clarke, LB A/Cpl
[i] All Primary Sources Cited, and Information Used to
Construct this Article is due to the courtesy of Library and Archives Canada.
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