I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read Monday's post regarding Captain Bath. I imagine that the published version of the book will contain chapters formatted in much the same way. As that chapter was included in my book proposal to a literary agency, publication might not be a far reaching goal. All of your support and belief in this project enabled me to put a great amount of effort in telling his story. I hope I've done him, and all those stories yet to be told, justice.
There's been no return yet on my submission, though it is still early to expect any yet. As soon as I hear news (positive thinking here, please) you all will be the first to know. I have, though, picked up a few new followers on my twitter feed, and would like to acknowledge them here: TVOntario, The Imperial War Museum, and Ken Reynolds who has an excellent blog on the 38th Battalion, CEF found here. I welcome them as warmly as I welcome all those who read and enjoy my work.
Now, I've delayed it long enough, but a promise is a promise and I here now follow through with the second part of my essay on the reasons behind the stalemate on the Western Front. As always, the project requires support to push forward, both in feedback and contributions. Support can be made can be made through the PayPal "Donate" button in the right hand column, at IndieGoGo, by joining the Facebook Page, by following the twitter feed or this blog itself. Comments and questions can be directed here.
Germany was for most of the war fighting on two fronts. In France and Belgium, they had the advantage of being on captured ground, which meant that they could site defensive works to suit them best, and it would be up to the Allies to dislodge them. Since they had "first pick" of ground, as it were, and didn't foresee going on a grand offensive until Russia in the east could be sent packing (effected by spring 1918) they used topographical features and resources such as poured concrete to strengthen the gains they had made in the west. This of course made any prospect of a direct attack a difficult venture to say the least. Normally, in attacking prepared positions, the aggressive force would want to move towards the flank as opposed to taking it head on. Problem being, of course, that there were effectively
Even at that point, where great gains could be made, by 1917 the Germans had completed the Hindenburg Line, a masterworks of concrete fortifications, wire and pillboxes with well sighted artillery and preregistered kill zones. So once the allies learned their trade well enough to effect a breakthrough, they now faced a more insurmountable obstacle. By the fall of 1918 the beginnings of such a break were being realised, but by that time Germany was exhausted, it's ability to continue the war non-existent and thence set forward to negotiate the Armistice.
So, what of Canada in all of this? Our country went through a tremendous learning curve with trench warfare, beginning with 2nd Ypres in 1915. By the time two years had passed, the experiences on the front coupled with taking on board British doctrine that existed prior to the war but difficult to execute with uninitiated civilians turned soldiers enabled our Divisions to successfully assault and capture Vimy Ridge. Throughout the war, our infantry gained high reputations for the aggressive nature of mounting patrols into enemy trenches, crucial for intelligence gathering. Our engineers were looked upon as experts in mining, that is digging under the enemy trenches in an effort to place explosives. The Canadian artillery made first good use of new techniques of flash spotting and sound ranging to locate enemy guns. The only successful cavalry actions of note in the war included the charge of the Fort Garry Horse at Cambrai in 1917. Overall, we displayed what has become endemic to our national personality of taking an adverse situation and overcoming it in our own particular way. Something to be proud of, for certain.
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